Eighteen years of bareness broken


My name is Victoria Ndeshipanda Ashipala, the happiest women on earth for the year 2013. After long years of looking for fruits of the womb, I tried whatever naturally and scientifically was said to be possible or feasible to enable me to conceive. I went through a number of operations of all types, ranging from unblocking my fallopian-tubes and many others. On Monday 23rd April 2012, I went to my usual consultation with my highly specialized gynaecologist in Windhoek; just to be told that I needed another operation for which I have to physically and physiologically to be prepared for, but knowingly that there was not much of a guarantee. As usual, I went discussing the issue with my sister-in-law (Ms. Hangula-Samuel), whom I believe always listened with compassion. She (Ms. Hangula-Samuel), was deeply moved by the fact that I have been a mother to many children including Ms. Hangula-Samuel's brother who is my long-time boyfriend for more or less seventeen years.


To cut the story short, my nightmare came to an end when on Monday 23rd April 2012, Ms. Hangula-Samuel suggested that I join her for Tuesday 24th April Warfare Service at their church (Model Friends Assemblies/ Model Prayer Ministries). That Monday 23rd April 2012 before the prophecy, we prayed and I agreed to trust in the Lord, among my prayer points was a special request for the man of God (Bishop Henry) to speak into my life and for sure, this came to pass when he called me out and gave me a prophecy, saying: "you have been crying for too long, your tears are over, the Lord had seen your pain and cry no more, but rejoice,… by this time next year, you will have your own…." Before going to bed that very night, my sister-in-law said to me, "now that you got the prophecy, which is God Himself speaking through the prophet; take it serious, read Thessalonians 5 verse 17; Isaiah 41 verse 21, Isaiah 1 verse 18-19, fast and pray". Whatever the prophet meant in his prophecy, was no longer my concern, mine was to hold onto that prophecy for "my own" to come to pass, for which I prayed like never-before.


Before my departure for Swakopmund, my sister-in-law and I agreed to continue praying together. Thereafter, more or less six weeks later, I noticed a change in my body, I went to do the necessary tests and it was indeed so, praise the Lord. That was the beginning of my joy and happiness, but as you know, the devil is very canny and persistent to its mission; I got an attack in October 2012 that was between my 5th and 6th month of pregnancy. To God be the glory that on Sunday 07th October 2012, there was a special service of anointing, water, handkerchiefs of which I personally benefited from the Bishop's own handkerchief that my sister-in-law delivered to me in Swakopmund that very same day. I was finally discharged from hospital but bedridden until Monday morning of 18th February 2013, when I was admitted and delivered my healthy, bouncing baby boy (3.25Kg), whom my sister-in-law named Emmanuel, which none of us as parents did not objection. By God's grace and loving mercies, I am now a proud mother and look forward to come and dedicate baby Emmanuel to the Lord as soon as possible.

We thank our heavenly father for the life of Bishop, his supporting wife, the whole ministry that kept me in prayers and indeed my beloved sister-in-law, without your support and prayers this glorious moment may not have been possible. May the Lord Almighty strengthen; increase you in all spheres of life for ever and ever, Amen.